Portland Ashkelon Sister City Association

Connecting Our Cities for Our Common Good

Nadene Fern Goldfoot's Blog – May 2008 Archive (4)

Ashkelon Devastation From Rocket Attacks

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Ashkelon Devastation From Rocket Attacks

On May 10th, Jimmy Kedoshim, 48, was killed in Kfar Aza when a mortar landed in his front lawn when he was gardening.

Then on May 12th a 70 year old woman was killed by a Qassam rocket by Hamas. It hit the house of a family member at Moshav Yesha, 9.3 miles east of Gaza. It was the 2nd civilian death by rockets since Saturday, May 10th.

The attack was from Hamas and their affiliated Palestinian… Continue

Added by Nadene Fern Goldfoot on May 15, 2008 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Ashkelon Attacked by Rockets: Mall Hit

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ashkelon, Our Sister City, Hit by Rockets, MALL HIT

Ashkelon's mall was just hit with 14-15 injured who were taken to Barzelai Hospital. This happened while Bush is in Israel for its 60th birthday. Both Bush and Condoleeza Rice were having meetings in Jerusalem when it happened. Rice was invited to Ashkelon to see the damage, but I don't think she'll take the offer. There had been so many false alarms of incoming rockets that the city of… Continue

Added by Nadene Fern Goldfoot on May 14, 2008 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Conference Call to Baltimore About Ashkelon

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Portland-Ashkelon Sister City Association Meeting

City Hall was the meeting place for our association meeting yesterday. We had a conference call with the Baltimore MD sister city to Ashkelon. Here Tamar Boussi, President, is going to make the call. Then she and Diane Blitzer, secretary, are taking notes from the call.
Posted by Nadene Goldfoot at 12:44 PM

Added by Nadene Fern Goldfoot on May 8, 2008 at 12:30pm — No Comments

PASCA Celebrates Israel's Birthday in Bazaar

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Portland-Ashkelon Sister City Association Event for Israel's Birthday

Today we celebrated Israel's birthday, Yom Hatzmaut, by having a table at Neveh Shalom in the Bazaar when Sunday School was over. Diane, an architect, created a huppa that was behind us with represented waves of the sea at Ashkelon hanging from above. We were visited by a young man who had been an IDF soldier and had lived in Ashkelon. His son was born there. They had a birthing problem,… Continue

Added by Nadene Fern Goldfoot on May 4, 2008 at 4:00pm — No Comments

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