Portland Ashkelon Sister City Association

Connecting Our Cities for Our Common Good

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Ashkelon Under Attack Again

Thursday evening in Israel the Gazan terrorists were at it again. They fired a rocket towards Ashkelon, Portland, Oregon's sister city. It exploded in some farming fields south of the city. The community was warned by a warning siren that went off. I wonder what had been planted there; onions? potatoes?

Earlier they had fired an anti-tank missile at an IDF force near the security barrier. IDF returned fire, but none were injured.

Before that terrorists had fired ten mortar rounds and three shells which had exploded next to a kibbutz in the Shaar HaNegev Regional Council area. Three shells landed near the Kerem Shalom crossing where humanitarian supplies are shipped daily into the region. After the attack the Defense Ministry had to close the crossing. I'm sure the next news will tell how the Gazans are complaining that supplies are not coming in.

The IAF dropped 520,000 fliers over Gaza telling residents to stay at least 300 meters away from the fence and not to help the smugglers who are smuggling arms into Gaza.

Resource: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/SendMail.aspx?print=print&typ...

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